collaboration + catalogue

view on line catalogue here        purchase a print version

Creating with Fiona Duthie this past year on our two shows has been one of pushing individual boundaries. Our conversations were most often about making. Although we are image-makers using completely different mediums, the similarities in what we were both saying helped us pull together a cohesive story that became SHIFT. Concepts tumbled out from the inspiration of each other’s work, in fact there were more ideas than we could use for any one show.

Both of us produce highly personal work and in collaborating we benefit from the other’s experiences and perspective. Collaboration adds further layers to a narrative in a way that doesn’t happen when an artist works solely within their own reality. While painting I was aware of Fiona’s pieces orbiting in the background like some distant planetary objects, yet close enough to inform my own searching. As I look at my paintings now, I see their response and connection to the discussions Fiona and I had over the months. Collaboration puts you in a vulnerable place, which is a gift that offers new chapters to come!

Fiona and I created one other component to the show, which brings SHIFT full circle…and out into the world. The on line catalogue viewed through ISSUU documents our collaborative journey over the past year with SHIFT.  We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we have had in creating it! Our first Blurb print version is there too, with observations, curator’s comments and notes on island life. It’s been fun! (both at the top of this blog post)


works on paper at winchester


shift travels to vancouver