wild places at parallel exhibition
By the time this painting was finished I’d lived in this imagined landscape for days. It became a self-imposed search for the soul of a place, not meant to be a traditional landscape but to paint how it felt to be deep within the vibrations of a location.

a fine balance
With our one day of gorgeous winter white yesterday we also lost hydro power. So it became a free day to sit by the fireplace, read and put my plans of sending out Solstice greetings on hold…

last week to see dimensions of colour
If you are beginning to emerge in the city a bit more this summer, here's a gentle reminder that it's already the last week of Dimensions of Colour.
Winchester Galleries has curated a thoughtful collection of paintings by Victoria artists Todd Lambeth and Doug Fraser's work along with my own, focused on the subject of colour.
Walking through the forest where I live, I stop for a moment just to listen and breathe in the sounds. cont'd...

dimensions of colour
Throughout these past few months of isolation there has been a return to a subject dear to my heart in my paintings, the forest. Perhaps I've never really left, but there have been creative side roads along the way which have added a new dimension to the subject. Earlier forms that were becoming completely abstracted are now leaning into more recognizable shapes. At least to me! Can you find the pine cones in the painting above?
Today, a new exhibition Dimensions of Colour, opens at Winchester Galleries which... cont'd.

local compositions
As galleries slowly open up during these days of the pandemic, with strict regulations in place, it's so important that people to be able to stand in front of art once again. The solutions galleries have used these last months of lockdown to showcase their artists has been impressive, fun and well, creative! I'm pleased to be part of Winchester Galleries group show Local Compositions which...

wanderings at winchester galleries
Opening next week Winchester Galleries will have an exhibition of my new work (see the collection here) which will coincide with the Oak Bay Gallery Walk in Victoria. With these digital prints of flowers I’m interested in the similarity between sentient beings and humans, an exploration of their energy, life, transformation. I try to capture their quiet joy... cont'd.

final week
I can't believe this is the last week to see re.ani.mate on Salt Spring with my paintings and mixed media work along with the intricate basketry of Carol Dodd. Huge thanks to all of you who checked it out, and special thanks to Helen Mears, Richard Steel and everyone at the Salt Spring Arts Council for your hard work and support.
r e.a n.i.m a t e at Showcase Gallery Salt Spring Island

re.ani.mate opens this Friday at Showcase Gallery! Although I’ve shown in the gallery before, I’m pretty excited that for the first time the Salt Spring Arts Council has given me this opportunity to show some of the mixed media work and idea-generation that's been happening in my studio. Link to Driftwood newspaper article on the exhibiton click here.
Combining paint with drawing and photography... cont'd

behind the scenes
As I prepare for my first show which includes photography along with paintings, I realize the role photography has played in my creative process. Photos are always among the piles of sketches, ideas and notes to self…
Not only is it a joy to photograph whatever captures my imagination, more...

h o m a g e
I’m excited to be part of the group exhibition of southern Gulf Islands artists opening this Easter weekend at Mahon Hall on Salt Spring Island. Last fall we were invited to produce a piece in tribute to a creative person who has influenced our personal work. H o m a g e, curated by Patrick McCallum, will showcase...
H o m a g e
exhibition opens - F r i d a y A p r i l 1 9 - A p r i l 2 8 2 0 1 9
artist's opening - F r i d a y A p r i l 1 9 6 - 9 p m

unstoppable: the women’s exhibition
First, I promise this painting looks much better when you click 'read more' below and see the entire image!
Exhibition opens - T u e s d ay A p r i l 2 - 2 7 2 0 1 9
Artist's reception - S a t u r d a y A p r i l 6 2 - 4 p m
Drop by to check out this show if you can, we'll be there to say hello.
Increased recognition of women’s art continues this year and hopefully this...

the story of small
Recently I was telling a friend that I had little new to write about on my website writings page. She commented “… a lot of people would find the story you’ve just been telling me really interesting”. Our dialogue continued about whether everything on the website had to do with art or just life. I’ll share the story and you can decide...
mentored independent studies this summer
Last week a friend and I were talking about finding Balance. Exactly what is that perfect mix that can fill the creative well? It’s about inspiration of course, and travel or staying home, people or no people, making, not finding time to create. It’s having a personal, peaceful place to actually create.
But wait, that's not always the case for me. Some of my best work has also come out of uncomfortable, new and disruptive situations. Aha. That’s the thing about creative Balance.
I just received news that...

open playing field
Greetings as we begin the New Year!
January's darker, blustery days gives me permission to sit and read scribbled notes and creative ideas jotted down over the past months. Is there something worthwhile buried in that journal I might explore or did that trickster of an idea only seem brilliant in the moment? From there I find myself mulling over the impact of changes in the art world. When we look back on 2017 I think it will be...

finding gems on winter days
It’s not only children who are drawn to tiny treasures. I often find myself and others peering into the smallest of drawers in some shop. The very tiniest of metal pulleys of all things, in the hardware store, brings a happy sigh. Of course there are vintage items, wee books, the smallest shell or rock.

painting summer
Living beside this massive ocean, walking it’s shores, seeing light transform colour in the sea, smelling the salt air, watching winds gust across tidal waves, peering at the tiniest Limpet on the beach, feeling the…

paintings off to ontario
An invitation to show with some dear friends in my old stomping grounds just north of Toronto is happening in July. If you are in Ontario this summer and can drop by, here are the dates:
Flesherton Art Gallery
22 Collingwood Street
Flesherton, ON
S u m m e r G r o u p S h o w
opening: F r i d a y J u l y 7 7 p.m. - until dark
(show runs through the summer, in conjunction with Local Colour's annual 26th Art Garden)
Flesherton is a preferred stop for many Toronto....

nueseum show is now on
Had a great time over the weekend at the opening of Pod Contemporary's 'Nueseam' show on Salt Spring Island. Two of my mixed media pieces are at the bottom of this photo. Or get close up info here http://barbraedwards.com/works-on-paper
Drop by if you get a chance, it's a beautifully curated show. On View till July 8th.

pod kicks off summer
Thanks Pod Contemporary, for including my paintings in your summer exhibition of small works. I'm delighted to be showing along side these talented artists.
New paintings, photography and pottery... June 2 - July 8
If you're on island, come by, it would be great to say hello!
Opening Reception Friday June 2 5-7 pm
pod contemporary gallery 102-150 fulford ganges salt spring island, bc

a flicker came by
A while back I read a tiny gem of a book by filmmaker David Lynch, Catching the Big Fish. His writing at first seemed deceptively childlike in its simplicity, but I realized that the way it’s written offers time to digest his unique thinking process. His famous ‘weird’ perspective, along with comments about how he ‘captures ideas’ is stimulating reading. It reminded me of classes at Ryerson University where I studied motion pictures in first year before…