dimensions of colour

Throughout these past few months of isolation there has been a return to a subject dear to my heart in my paintings, the forest. Perhaps I've never really left, but there have been creative side roads along the way which have added a new dimension to the subject. Earlier forms that were becoming completely abstracted are now leaning into more recognizable shapes. At least to me! Can you find the pine cones in the painting above? 

Today, a new exhibition Dimensions of Colour, opens at Winchester Galleries which I'm thrilled to be part of with oil paintings from the past few years. I watched the beginnings of the show being hung earlier in the week and it's truly a gorgeous combination of three artist's use of colour within their individual styles. Colour plays a huge role in defining the energy and emotion in my work, it makes my heart soar.

After these last weeks (and weeks...) of looking at art online, if you can make it in to the gallery to experience the show in the flesh, oh joy, I know this exhibition will enrich your day!


Winchester like other galleries has gently re-opened, (or private viewing by appointment if you prefer) following the rules of suggested physical distancing in BC.


D i m e n s i o n s   of  C o l o u r

Exhibition opens  -  F r i d a y   J u n e  2 6  -  J u l y 1 5    2 0 2 0

paintings at left: Forest Unfolding and Detritus

Winchester Galleries
2260 Oak Bay Avenue
Victoria  BC
250 595 2777



last week to see dimensions of colour


local compositions