last week to see dimensions of colour
If you are beginning to emerge in the city a bit more this summer, here's a gentle reminder that it's already the last week of Dimensions of Colour.
Winchester Galleries has curated a thoughtful collection of paintings by Victoria artists Todd Lambeth and Doug Fraser's work along with my own, focused on the subject of colour.
Walking through the forest where I live, I stop for a moment just to listen and breathe in the sounds. Heightened birdsong of spring, light breezes rustle leaves in the trees, something scurries in the underbrush. Later on as I walk near a wet marshy bit, a Pacific Tree Frog croaks with his telltale voice that sounds like he has a sore throat.
THe elements that surface in my work are not preconceived, graphically designed shapes but vegetal, animal forms that have infused themselves into my subconscious as I walk shoreline or rainforest. They are completely rooted in nature.
'The Air was Full of Sound' and ‘Form Speaks to Form 2' are two of the paintings that have emerged from my time spent wandering forests. Othe pieces in the show are directly influenced by my earlier watercolours based on living near BC’s shoreline.
To see the complete exhibition online click here
the paintings at left: 'The Air was Full of Sound' and 'Form Speaks to Form 2'
After weeks of only being able to look online, there is such value in standing before a piece of art in person. I hope you're able to stop by the gallery and soak up the joyful energy of this show. Bonus, the next door bistro Ottavio has surrounded the gallery with little tables (physically spaced) where you can enjoy their treats outside. It almost feels like being in Europe!
D i m e n s i o n s o f C o l o u r
exhibition runs - F r i d a y J u n e 2 6 - W e d n e s d a y J u ly 15
Winchester Galleries
2260 Oak Bay Avenue
Victoria BC
250 595 2777
Tuesday - Friday: 10 am - 5 pm
Saturday - 10 am - 4 pm
Winchester like other galleries has gently re-opened, (or private viewing by appointment if you prefer) following the rules of suggested physical distancing in BC.
paintings at left: 'The Air was Full of Sound' and 'Form Speaks to Form' 2