local compositions
As galleries slowly open up during these days of the pandemic, with strict regulations in place, it's so important for people to be able to stand in front of art once again. The solutions galleries have used these last months of lockdown to showcase their artists has been impressive, fun and well, creative! I'm pleased to be part of Winchester Galleries group show Local Compositions which "explores dynamic local art to... support our talented local artists. From abstract art to realism, and surrealism. We are aiming on demonstrating our homage to the brilliant Island artists through envisioning our local practices."
Local Compostions
Exhibition opens - T u e s d ay June 5 - 2 4 2 0 2 0
Winchester Galleries
2260 Oak Bay Avenue
Victoria BC
250 595 2777
paintings at left: Tidal Bore 12 x 12 in and Flicker at My Window 13.5 x 15 in - both mixed media on paper (click on painting name for more info)