wanderings at winchester galleries
Opening next week Winchester Galleries will have an exhibiton of my new work (see the collection here) which will coincide with the Oak Bay Gallery Walk in Victoria.
p h o t o - p a i n t i n g s
With these digital prints of flowers I’m interested in the similarity between sentient beings and humans, an exploration of their energy, life, transformation. I try to capture their quiet joy of birth (buds, seedlings) and especially their grace in dying (colour and transitioning form). Sometimes I photograph flowers anthropomorphically, but more often I use their shape and form as endless source material for the beginning bones and structure in my paintings.
In these diptychs I like the way the watercolours find their own rhythm with the photos as they speak back and forth to each other.
w o r k on p a p e r
These paintings on paper are a free fall of ideas that inform other mediums I work in. The work on paper has been shifting over the past few years. My earlier series ‘Road Trip, a Paper Trail’ focused on travel and my interest in surrounding landscape. Within these recent paintings I wander the shoreline, observe our ocean and like all of us consider today's environmental issues.
There is a complexity in these new watercolours, more layering in the work itself, a subtle transformation that is meant to move into deeper layers of seeing.
I'll be at the artist opening, it would be terrific if you can come by to carry on the conversation!
exhibition runs ~ T h u r s d a y N o v e m b e r 2 8 - D e c e m b e r 2 2
Winchester Galleries ~ Oak Bay Gallery Walk
artist opening ~ T h u r s d a y N o v e m b e r 2 8 5:30 - 7:30 p m
photo-paintings at left: untitled (dying lily) and untitlled (petals) (click to see more details)