painting summer

Living beside this massive ocean, walking it’s shores, seeing light transform colour in the sea, smelling the salt air, watching winds gust across tidal waves, peering at the tiniest Limpet on the beach, feeling the texture of lichen on trees in the rainforest, or catching the design of a feather as it floats down from a passing bird.
Painting my experiences of living on this dramatic coast of Western Canada over this past summer, sometimes I wonder if I have any control at all over subject matter. This new work is part of the fall show of:  

Canadian Works On Paper  at Winchester Galleries

Exhibition opens  -  W e d n e s d a y   N o v   1 -  24

Artist's reception  -  S a t u r d a y   N o v    4     2 - 4  pm

Drop by, we'd love to say hello!

Winchester Galleries
2260 Oak Bay Avenue
Victoria  BC
250 595 2777


finding gems on winter days


paintings off to ontario