behind the scenes
As I prepare for my first show which includes photography along with paintings, I realize the role photography has played in my creative process. Photos are always among the piles of sketches, ideas and notes to self…
Not only is it a joy to photograph whatever captures my imagination but like drawing, photography trains my eye to see composition and structure in a picture. Photos are the source material that influences choice of texture, form and colour in the work. The flower photos are used more for their line and form in my paintings. On a deeper level, I’ve photographed dying flowers for years because to me they reveal a mysterious, calm beauty in their transition.
A friend commented that she “saw a softness/stillness captured in these photos of dying flowers... then a release and growth in the paintings like a rebirth, a sort of capture and release”. She’s right, I’m trying for an emotional capture, a moody portrait of a sentient being or my awe in seeing a scene within the plant’s environment such as in photo ‘clan’ at left.
Curator Helen Mears and I have been wading through proof sheet images to choose which pictures will be part of the show. We found the proof sheets a thing of beauty themselves!
I'll send more behind the scenes pictures soon with paintings and mixed media pieces that are part of this exhibition with Salt Spring basketry weaver Carol Dodd.
exhibition opens - J u n e 2 8 - J u l y 24
Showcase Gallery Mahon Hall, Salt Spring Island
artist opening - F r i d a y J u n e 2 8 6 - 8 pm