
re.ani.mate opens this Friday at Showcase Gallery.  Although I’ve shown in the gallery before, I’m pretty excited that for the first time the Salt Spring Arts Council has given me this opportunity to show some of the mixed media work and idea-generation that's been happening in my studio. Link to Driftwood newspaper article on the exhibition click here

Combining paint with drawing and photography I’m pushing earlier exploration of nature further into a meaningful theme to me…‘we are all one’ on this earth.

In this series I photograph plants (mostly flowers) as a way to explore the energy, life and death of sentient beings. I’m interested in their similarity to us. When I photograph flowers en mass a scene of family, clan, tribe can appear. I want to capture their quiet joy of birth (buds, seedlings) and especially their grace in dying. I see these flower photos as emotional portraits displaying human characteristics, which then often influence my other work. I visually reanimate my subjects by creating a connection through the various media I’m working with. It’s all about where the mood of colour and rhythm of brushstrokes go. I'm interested in how the same subject can look and feel completely new depending on the media I choose.

images at left:  Yellow Cloud (click) and untitled (clan) digital print (click)


final week


behind the scenes