painterly handwriting
Continuing my thoughts on drawing from my September post, these recent diptychs explore the role of writing within a painting. Originally hinged multiple panels called diptychs (or triptychs, polyptychs) were popular during the 15th and 16th centuries. They consisted of several panels and were viewed as “illuminating each other and comprising a distinct work of art from the individual parts”. Today diptychs are more often painted as one overall painting and usually not hinged.
I gave myself the challenge of painting each panel so that...
gallery walk news article
Here is what's happening at Edmonton's Gallery Walk this weekend.
alberta bound
Studio news! I’m delighted to now be represented by Bugera Matheson Gallery in Edmonton.
This is one of the pieces on it’s way to the gallery called ‘Outside Looking In’. It continues the theme of looking intimately at nature; taking things in on a cellular level rather than the long view. A painting that just...
small works on paper + panel
The serene gallery space at Green Raven on Salt Spring Island is where a small paper trail of my watercolours is now showing. I enjoy working in this medium along with gouache, ink, conté…whatever ends up on the paper. Afterwards I think there is…
thoughts on drawing
“Drawing, as a form of mark-making, came first in human experience, even before song.” sculptor David Smith
I’ve just read ‘Drawing is Thinking’ by American graphic designer Milton Glaser. What a perfect title! His book is timely with the resurgence of interest in works on paper. Every culture has used drawing as a form of communication, from cave drawings to graffiti. Drawing is part of everyone’s life. Most of us...
news article on shift
Driftwood Newspaper Article on the exhibition SHIFT exploring layers of perception.
experience the shift exhibition
Once in a while a collaboration comes together the way the artists imagine.
The exhibition SHIFT exploring the layers of perception has achieved that coming together where both artists are satisfied after months of intense work. Here is a sense of this show, up for the rest of July if you are able to see it in person. Click on read more below and see more photos of the exhibition.
form speaks to form
Seems to be a 'two for one' month for those of you who receive my newsletters. I have this overwhelming need to wrap some extra words around the thought process behind the pieces in my new exhibition SHIFT - exploring layers of perception. There has been debate forever about whether an artist needs to say anything at all about their work, or just let people look and decide for themselves. Artist’s are definitely on either side of the fence on this one. Bear with me this time…
shift - exploring layers of perspective
Working on the statement for my summer show on Salt Spring Island. It's been inpiring working together for the first time with fibre artist Fiona Duthie...
A collaboration by Barbra Edwards, visual artist, with Fiona Duthie, fibre artist, at Salt Spring Island's ArtCraft Gallery.
Barbra’s current work explores the dialogue between one form and another. She uses line to suggest movement, substance, or layers of perspective; what used to be or what exists in the present. In some paintings...
life influences art
My sincere thanks to Herbalist and Homepathic doctor Seraphina Capranos for posting this article about my interest in all things herbal on a recent blog. Seraphina is known throughout BC and beyond for her wisdom of herbal health-healing. My love of the plant world has expanded through her teachings. Those of you who know my paintings likely see
summer in the city
I'm pleased to be participating again in Canadian Fine Arts 'Summer Colours' exhibition. If you are in Toronto, CFA is a gallery worth visiting.
June 19 - August 31st
Tuesday - Saturday 11 - 5 pm